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A Review of the Effectiveness of Shielding Curtains for Improving Radiation Safety Management of Electromagnetic Radiation in Diagnostic X-ray Rooms

Journal of Magnetics, Volume 28, Number 4, 31 Dec 2023, Pages 438-442
Jeong-Ho Kim (Sunlin University), Gap-Jung Kim * (Songho University), Se-Jong Yoo * (Konyang University), Myeong-Sik Ju (Songho University)
During diagnostic radiography examinations, due to problems such as patient falls, the door between the examination
room and the control room is often opened for quick action. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to
evaluate the effectiveness of curtain-type shielding for worker radiation protection. Shielding efficiency, weight,
cost, and user opinions were analyzed for leaded, leaded rubber, lead-free shielding sheet, and chainmail. The
results showed that the shielding efficiency was 97.7 % for the steel door, 97.5 % for the lead sheet, 97.0 % for
the lead rubber, 96.0 % for the lead-free sheet, and 91.3 % for the chain mail, and the weight was 7,399 g for
the lead sheet, 8,482 g for the lead rubber, 1,148 g for the lead-free sheet, and 8,127 g for the chain mail. The
cost was $46.9 for the lead sheet, $126 for the lead rubber, $270.5 for the lead-free sheet, and $147.8 for the
chain mail. Based on this, it is believed that shielding curtains can be used to provide both worker and patient
safety by considering the conditions of diagnostic radiography rooms in each medical institution.
Keywords: electro-magnetic radiation shielding; electro-magnetic radiation; curtain; lead
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