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Evaluation of Image Quality of Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Images

Journal of Magnetics, Volume 27, Number 4, 31 Dec 2022, Pages 514-521
Seongho Kim (Daejeon Health Institute), Jung Eun Oh (Naara Animal Hospital), Soon Yong Kwon (Konkuk University Medical Center), Ji Sung Jang (Asan Medical Center), Won Jeong Lee (Daejeon Health Institute), Min Cheol Jeon (Daejeon Health Institute), Jae Seok Kim (Daejeon Health Institute), Mo Kwon Lee (Daejeon Health Institute), Se Jong Yoo * (Konyang University)
The aim of the study was to compare the image quality of reconstructed images using the 3D T1 variable flip
angle (CUBE) sequence with and without compressed sensing (CS). A phantom was prepared by diluting the
Gadolinium contrast medium with saline at the concentrations of 0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, and 4.0 mM. Moreover, images
were obtained using the 3D T1 CUBE sequence with and without the use of CS. When CS was used, images
were reconstructed at increasing CS factor values (i.e., 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0), while all other variables were
unaltered. Measurements were analyzed using Student’s t-tests and ANOVA. Moreover, the SSIM and RMSE
estimates were evaluated using the ICY program and the relative SNR errors were quantified. The scan time
reduced by up to 1min 35sec from the conventional 3D T1 CUBE sequence (3min 3sec) to 3D T1 CUBE
sequence using CS (CS factor=2.0). The SNR values of the conventional 3D T1 CUBE and 3D T1 CUBE
sequences using the CS technique were not significantly (p>0.05) different when the CS factors varied from 1.2
to 2.0. Moreover, the estimated SSIM were similar, while the root mean square error (RMSE) values varied
when the CS factor varied from 1.2 to 2.0, based on the use of the conventional 3D T1 CUBE sequence. Therefore,
the 3D T1 CUBE sequence using the CS technique can achieve an acceptable image quality that is not
considerably different from that of the conventional method.
Keywords: compressed sensing; parallel imaging; TOF MRA
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