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Analysis of Commercial Fluoride-containing Mouthwashes for Children Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Journal of Magnetics, Volume 26, Number 4, 31 Dec 2021, Pages 442-447
Yu-Rin Kim (Silla University,), Seoul-Hee Nam * (Kangwon National University), Man-Seok Han * (Kangwon National University)
Most fluoride-containing mouthwashes for children have flavors and fragrances added to them, so you need to
be careful about swallowing accidents. It is also necessary to check the amount of fluoride remaining in the oral
cavity after using them. Therefore, this study compared whether the total fluoride (TF) of three types of children's
mouthwash commercially available in Korea is compatible with the standards indicated by manufacturers.
In addition, the amount of fluoride remaining in the saliva of the oral cavity after using mouthwash was
confirmed through Fluorine (19F) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. As a result, even fluoride
in Garglin Kids Care was marked as 226.1 ppm but detected TF was at an average of 455.818, which was about
102 % more. The fluoride remaining in saliva after 1 minute of using mouthwash was 0.0144 % for 2080 Kids,
15.4477 % for Chikachika, and 0.0015 % for Garglin Kids Care. After 2 minutes of using mouthwash, very little
fluoride was present in the oral saliva in all three types of mouthwashes. These results confirmed that
mouthwash containing fluoride for children does not affect the human body, such as toxicity. Therefore, the
safe use of mouthwashes can lead to the improvement of oral health in children.
Keywords: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; mouthwash; fluoride; safety
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