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[한국자기학회]The 16-th Magnetism Theory symposium
작성자 : 관리자 조회 : 3631 | 작성일: 2012/02/06

The 16-th Magnetism Theory symposium
 of The Korean Magnetics Society
2012 Workshop on Physics of Magnetism 
and Ferrous Materials
(2012. Feb. 13-14, POSTECH)

Department of Physics (Bldg. 8 in the campus map), Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 790-784, Korea.
Workshop Place: 포항공대 물리학과 공학 3동 201호 (Physics Bldg. Room 3-201)

Accommodation: 국제관 (POSCO International Center at POSTECH) (Bldg. 20 in the campus map)

Program (2/13, 2:00PM - 2/14, 12:00PM) : Time Table (to be arranged)
  • 2/13 (Mon): 연구 발표 (각 30분), 대학원생 발표
  • 2/14 (Tues): 그룹 연구 주제 발표 (각 15분)
  • Main language: 한국어
    Invited Speakers (tentative) (참가자 명단 (2012.1.31 현재))
  • --- 2/13(월) ---------------------------
  • 고경태 (POSTECH) "Ising spin RKKY ferromagnetism of Fe intercalated layered dichalcogenide, Fe1/4TaS2"
  • 김규 (POSTECH)
  • 김인기 (POSTECH) "The Status of FLAPW"
  • 유운종 (GIST) "Magnetic instability in the Hubbard Model within the Dynamical Cluster Approximation"
  • 윤석주 (경상대) "Role of spin-orbit coupling on the electronic structure and properties of SrPtAs"
  • 이근식 (POSTECH) "Orbital Selective Fermi surface shifts and mechanism of high Tc superconductivity in correlated LiFeAs superconductor"
  • 한상욱 (울산대) "Inducing magnetism in 2H-MoS2 single crystal"
  • 대학원생들 발표
  • --- 2/14(화) ---------------------------
  • 강정수 (가톨릭대) "Investigation of electronic structures using synchrotron radiation"
  • 김복기 (부산대) "Stability of Binary Oxide"
  • 김인기 (POSTECH) "Physics of Alloys from first-principles"
  • 민병일 (POSTECH) " Magnetism Theory Group"
  • 이관우 (고려대) "물성물리이론"
  • 이순칠 (KAIST) "Magnetic resonance and magnetism"
  • 조성래 (울산대) "Magnetic Thin Films: Growth & Unique Properties"
  • 홍순철 (울산대) "전산물리연구실"
  • 홍지상 (부경대)

    Organizer: Byung Il Min (POSTECH)

    Sponsors: BSRI at POSTECH

  • For more information, 손예지 gounyj@postech.ac.kr (054-279-5518) ; 민병일 bimin@postech.ac.kr (054-279-2074)
  • 강창종 (010-7138-1808)
