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[한국자기학회]post-doctoral fellow 구함
작성자 : 관리자 조회 : 5290 | 작성일: 2010/03/10


싱가폴국립대학의 양현수 교수님께서 post-doctoral fellow를 구합니다.
아래의 글을 참조해 주십시오.


Post-doctoral position in spintronics


There are a few post-doctoral positions opening in the research group of Prof. Hyunsoo Yang (http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/stfpage/eleyang/) and Prof. Charanjit S. Bhatia in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National University of Singapore. The research work will be focused on spintronics and magnetic media researches with an opportunity to gain experience in advanced materials and devices fabrication and their system applications. The projects may include work in graphene and optoelectronics. The research project is highly competitive and rewarding and will provide the selected candidate with an all-round professional and career development. The applicant having a PhD degree in Electrical engineering, Physics, or Material science are all encouraged to apply due to the interdisciplinary nature of the research. The starting date is flexible and interested applicants should submit detailed CV/Resume to eleyang@nus.edu.sg for pre-screening.

