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ICMM 2016 Publishing in IEEE Magnetics Letters
작성자 : 관리자 조회 : 452 | 작성일: 2015/12/07

Instructions for Authors

You may submit your four-page paper, whether contributed or invited, for publication in IEEE Magnetics Letters (IML) either before or after the conference, with a deadline of 1 July 2016. If you are giving an invited talk, your four-page submission should not be a review. Rather, it should contain mostly new results, as is appropriate for a letters journal. A Microsoft Word template is available <http://www.ieee.org/documents/maglet.doc>.

If your article is accepted, it will be published on-line, in preprint form, immediately after full peer review and your revisions. Several weeks later, it will appear as fully edited and typeset. Each paper will have its own article number and dates of submission and publication.

Conference articles will all be grouped together in IML. Each article will have a heading, "Microwave Magnetics," and a footnote, "International Conference on Microwave Magnetics, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, 5-8 June 2016." Except for the footnote, your article will be indistinguishable from any other IML article. Each article will be "open-access" for anyone for 10 days after publication. There is no charge for publication.

The URL for article submission is <http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/maglet-ieee>.  Important: In the submission process, be sure to select "ICMM - International Conference on Microwave Magnetics (Microwave Magnetics)" as the Manuscript Subject.

The IML website for published articles is http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?reload=true&punumber=5165412. IML is tracked by all major indexing services, including Web of Science and Scopus. The average time from submission to preprint publication is 4 weeks.

About IEEE Magnetics Letters

IEEE Magnetics Letters (IML) is a rapid-publication, primarily electronic, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to magnetics articles of substantial current interest. IML is a publication of the IEEE Magnetics Society. Its scope is the physics and engineering of magnetism, magnetic materials, applied magnetics, design and application of magnetic devices, bio-magnetics, magneto-electronics, and spin electronics. Articles must be current and topical.

IML is indexed by Science Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus, SCImago, Inspec, SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts Service), Compendex, CrossRef, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, and other services. Beginning in 2015, IML will be included in Journal Citation Reports (applied physics category).

IML uses a dedicated editorial review board and a selected pool of reviewers in order to guarantee rapid decisions. Letters may be up to four pages in length. They have a modern design, easy-to-read typeface, and full color. There are no page charges.

Members of the Magnetics Society have free on-line access. A black-and-white annual compilation is printed and mailed to print subscribers. For a fee, authors have the option of making their articles freely available under "open access."

IML is part of IEEE's electronic and print subscription packages purchased by libraries all over the world, which makes the journal easily accessible to readers. Institutions may order individual subscriptions to IML at very reasonable prices.

Current Statistics
Average time from submission to decision: 2 weeks
Average time from submission to publication: 4 weeks
Article acceptance ratio: 31%

Please contact one of us if you have any questions.

-- Ron Goldfarb (r.goldfarb@ieee.org), Editor
-- Mingzhong Wu (mwu@lamar.colostate.edu), Associate Editor
-- Alexandru Stancu (alstancu@uaic.ro), Associate Editor
-- Arcady Zhukov (arkadi.joukov@ehu.es), Associate Editor

The ICMM website is (http://icmm2016.ua.edu/authors.html).

