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Transition Phase Diagram for Escape Rate of Nanospin System in an Applied Magnetic Field

Journal of Magnetics, Volume 7, Number 4, 31 Dec 2002, Pages 156-159
Dal-Ho Yoon* (Department of Physics, Chongju University)

We have investigated the escape rate of nano-magnetic particle with a magnetic field applied along the easy axis. The model studied here is described by the Hamiltonian H=K1Sz2+K2Sy2+gµbB Sx (K1>K2>0) and the escape rate was calculated with in the semiclassical approximation. We have obtained a diagram for orders of the phase transition depending on the anisotropy constant and the external field. For K2K1>0.85 the present model reveals the existence of the first order transition within the quantum regime.

Keywords: escape rate; quantum tunneling; phase diagram; Euclidean potential
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