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A Study on the Amount of Fluoride that Remains in the Oral Cavity based on the Number of Times that Rinsing Is Done as Determined Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Journal of Magnetics, Volume 23, Number 4, 31 Dec 2018, Pages 632-636
Seoul-Hee Nam (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Kangwon National University), Man-Seok Han * (Dept. of Radiological Science, Kangwon National University)
The most common method for children’s oral health management is brushing the teeth, and for this, toothpaste is often used. Most of the toothpaste brands that are currently in the market, however, contain fluoride,
which children should not swallow. This poses a problem for children as they have difficulty regulating their swallowing reflex and may thus end up swallowing the toothpaste with its fluoride content. Therefore, using 19F
NMR spectroscopy, this study analyzed the amount of fluoride left in the oral cavity after brushing the teeth depending on the number of times that rinsing is done. It was shown that brushing the teeth using toothpaste
containing 0.24 % NaF does not pose any risk and is safe even when rinsing just two-times.
Keywords: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; toothpaste; fluoride; rinsing; brushing
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