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Home > Issues > Volume 12 (2007) > No.4(pp.133-161)
Spin Valve Effect in Lateral Py/Au/Py Devices
Journal of Magnetics, Volume 12, Number 4, 31 Dec 2007, Pages 152-155
Jang-Hae Ku(Center for Spintronics Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Joon-Yeon Chang* (Center for Spintronics Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Hyun-Cheol Koo(Center for Spintronics Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Jong-Hwa Eom(Department of Physics, Sejong University), Suk-Hee Han(Center for Spintronics Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Gyu-Tae Kim(Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea University)
Spin dependent transport was investigated in lateral Py(Ni81Fe19)/Au/Py spin valve devices. Clear spin valve effect was observed in conventional four-terminal measurement geometry. Higher resistance was found in antiparallel magnetization field of two Py electrodes which is determined by anisotropy magnetoresistance (AMR) measurements. The rectangular shape of spin signal together with good agreement of switching field convinces observed spin valve signal is resulted from effective spin injection and detection. The magnetoresistance ratio decays exponentially with channel length by which spin diffusion length of Au channel was estimated to be 76 nm.
Keywords: local spin valve measurement; magnetoresistance; spin injection
DOI: 10.4283/JMAG.2007.12.4.152
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