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Ultra-Soft Magnetic Properties in Nanocrystalline Fe81B11Nb7Cu1 Alloy
Journal of Magnetics, Volume 5, Number 3, 30 Sep 2000, Pages 102-105
Heebok Lee(Dept. of Phys. Education Kongju Nat'l. Univ.), Kyeong-Jae Lee(Division of Material Sci., Chungnam Nat'l Univ.), Yong-Kook Kim(Division of Material Sci., Chungnam Nat'l Univ.), Sung-Ho Yoon(Division of Material Sci., Chungnam Nat'l Univ.), Taik-Kee Kim(Division of Material Sci., Chungnam Nat'l Univ.), Seong-Cho Yu(Dept. of Phys, Chungbuk Nat'l Univ.)
The extremely soft magnetic behaviors in the nanocrystalline Fe81B11Nb7Cu1 alloy annealed at 450 ℃ and 550 ℃ for 1 hour in a vacuum were investigated by means of the magnetoimpedance (MI) effect and the incremental permeability. Because the MI effect can be obtained only in ultra-soft magnetic materials, the improvement of magnetic softness by proper thermal treatment was carefully monitored by the MI effect for all annealed samples. The changes of the incremental permeability as a function of an external field were also measured to verify the magnetic softness along with the MI measurement.
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